Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. Grown all around the world, the resulting wine tends to be full-bodied with high tannins. In cooler climates, you get get a lighter style with blackcurrant flavours, while in warmer climates dark cheery flavours are present. Delicious! You will have to create a case consisting of a minimum of six bottles of wine before you can continue to the checkout.
Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most widely recognized red wine grape varieties. Grown all around the world, the resulting wine tends to be full-bodied with high tannins. In cooler climates, you get get a lighter style with blackcurrant flavours, while in warmer climates dark cheery flavours are present. Delicious! You will have to create a case consisting of a minimum of six bottles of wine before you can continue to the checkout.