Dispense System Shutdown Procedure 2020
The following is intended as a guide to safely close down dispense systems and related equipment in pubs and bars in readiness for the time when trade will resume.
Closedown should consider the safety of the site, the hygienic operation of the dispense system and the security of any stock and assets, including arranging for their return by the owning brewer.
Dispense System (Keg & Cask)
To close your system down:
- Disconnect all kegs and casks
- Empty and clean all lines following standard procedures, ensure that fob detectors/cellar buoys are set and left in the clean position
- Once clean all dispense lines should be blown through
Blow though procedure:
- Ensure the cleaning bottle is empty and line cleaning feed tube is inside the bottle
- At the bar, open each tap until air is coming through every line
- Turn off cleaning gas and any assist pumps
- Turn off remote coolers at the plug
- Turn gas off at individual valves and main supply
- For cask lines, once cleaned pull through until only air comes from each line
It is important that dispense lines are not left charged with water or cleaning fluid as this can cause irrevocable damage to the system.
- All connected equipment such as keg couplers, cask taps, filters & tap nozzles should be cleaned with an appropriate sanitiser – do not leave to soak
- Tap nozzles should be reconnected after sanitizing
- Following cleaning couplers and taps shoul
- d not be left in contact with the floor
- Turn off dispense gasses at both the primary (wheel style valves turned clockwise to close) and secondary valves. It is not necessary to disconnect gas bottles from the system
- Mop up any spilt beer
Dispense/Cellar/Bar Equipment
- Switch off and unplug all electrical equipment ie remote coolers, dish/glasswashers and ice makers:
- Dish/ glasswashers - clean, sanitise and drain, including filters and spray arms, and doors left open to avoid mould developing
- Ice makers - emptied, and sanitized using standard procedures, including any removable machine components ie ice bins, access doors should be left open to avoid mould developing
- If you have any unbroached kegs in the cellar, then we would advise leaving on cellar cooling on so they will be kept in the correct environment to use on reopening
- If cellar is empty, then turn cellar cooling off
Published 26/03/2020