Meet Ginny, the Spirit of Southwold sheep, on the Eye Sheep Art Trail this summer.
Adnams is proud to sponsor Ginny, painted by artist Anna Partington. Anna has used glow-in-the-dark paint and the colour palette from Adnams Copper House Dry Gin to create Ginny's beautiful coat.
Suffolk has a long association with the wool trade which, in the Medieval period, was a source of great wealth for the county enabling the building of some huge churches that stand testiment to this ancient trade today. This important historical association was the reason for creating model sheep for the Eye Trail as a fun and engaging way to raise funds for The Blossom Charity.
The 24 sheep and 7 lambs, all sponsored by local businesses, have been handpainted by local artists and are now positioned across the town of Eye until Friday 6th September. A trail map has been produced so that visitors can find each sheep before they all flock together at Kenton Hall to be auctioned at 7pm on Thursday 12 September. All proceeds from the auction will support The Blossom Charity.
About The Blossom Charity
Based in Suffolk, The Blossom Charity aims to inspire and increase confidence in women and young people in East Anglia through coaching, mentoring, makeovers and style consultancy. Find out more at
If you'd like to buy a sheep or attend the auction, then please email It'll be baaaaa-rilliant!
Click here to find the trail map, and follow the action on social media #eyesheeparttrail.