Happy Earth Day!

Earth Day is celebrated each year to mark the anniversary of the modern environmental movement which began in 1970. It recognises the need for change and the fight for a cleaner environment. It’s a day to help make an impact and to continue to drive change across the world.

At Adnams we are proud to call ourselves a sustainable business. Our commitment to sustainability means we place our core values at the heart of what we do. We build in sustainable practices throughout our organisation, from choosing suppliers around the world based on their shared values of respecting the environment and human rights, to implementing innovative technology to re-use heat and water, building a fully sustainable distribution centre with a living roof, using 100% renewable electricity and sending zero waste to landfill. We also believe in helping to build and support thriving local communities. We are a people-based business and rely on happy, healthy people to be able to continue to thrive, which is why we take our responsibilities incredibly seriously, whilst enjoying life to the full on the way.

We want to share these stories with you, our Adnams Community, and would love to hear yours too. Throughout the next week we will be posting the details of some of our sustainability projects across our social media channels and invite you share some of your own; from sustainable ways of living, upcycling & recycling, to the reasons why you are starting to make different choices, we want to hear about it!

Tag us in your post @adnams using hashtag #adnamssustainabilitystory

Watch our ‘All about Adnams’ video to see what we are doing here in Southwold for a better future.