Happy Suffolk Day!

We are proud to call Suffolk our forever home so to celebrate Suffolk Day 2020 we decided to ask our teams what they love about this beautiful county.

Fergus, Head Brewer

I love the beach by Covehithe, with its Sun bleached trees scattered along the stretch of coast from Southwold up to the Benacre National Nature reserve. There are plenty of opportunities to sit and contemplate the temporary nature of our coastline or, if you prefer, to add to your pebble collection.

Tom Evans, Southwold Store Manager

Having grown up in a big city such as Liverpool, it is lovely to have so much open green space now on the doorstep. I love walking my Chocolate Labrador through the fields looking and smelling all the beautiful local wild flowers along the way.

Alexandra Hemen, Head of Retail

The treasures of Suffolk are not just the famous beaches or the well known landmarks. Exploring your local area has been a life saver in this lockdown. Around each corner lies a new treasure. From ancient woodland with oaks that have seen centuries of the world pass by, to a sea of wild garlic, the round church spire basking in the evening sun to the oasis of bluebells that May gifted us. The Suffolk skies had offered us an array of shows; from perfect, still blue, convoluted grey skies to fantastic super moons and crystal clear night stars. There is treasure everywhere you look.

Sadie Lofthouse, Director of Talent and Culture

I have a favourite walk in Dunwich with the dog and the kids that takes you along the beach, across the field, through the gorse and then through the wood. 4 walks in one! And (before social distancing) you could finish with a gorgeous coffee and a cake at the little nursery and even take a beautiful plant home too. What more could you want. A perfect Suffolk day!

Teresa Holman – Tied Estate Manager & woman of few words

Big skies, open spaces!

We would love to hear your memories and reasons you love suffolk, make sure to tag us on social media using the hashtag #bringthecoasthome